Expect System Falters During IT Data Center Transition
March 11, 2009
Expect System Falters During IT Data Center Transition
VALDOSTA - Outages for the main Web site, WebCT, Luminis, Banner
and e-mail can be expected while Information Technology attempts to
move more than 200 servers from existing data centers into the new
Oak Street data center during spring break, March 16-20.
Director Joe Newton said that due to weather predictions of
scattered showers, work could begin as early as Friday evening,
March 13.
All moves will take place after hours and major services should be
restored the same night they are moved.
The transition is the result of a partnership between IT and
Auxiliary Services, which allowed for the gain of a new data center
of unprecedented capacity and resources. Located in the Oak Street
Parking Deck, it encompasses 1,700 square feet of raised floor
space, two 140kVA uninterruptable power supplies, four 15-ton air
conditioning units and a 300kVA backup power generator.
Newton said the facility will also house the redundant network core
and all production systems using energy efficient hardware,
providing VSU with a significantly higher level of resiliency and
availability for computing and networking infrastructure and the
services they host.
Call IT at (229) 245-4357 for more information.
- Office of Communications Powell Hall West, Suite 1120
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - General VSU Information
- Phone: 229.333.5800
- Office of Communications
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