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VSU College of Education hosts Career Day for Area High SchoolStudents on Tuesday, Oct. 26

October 22, 2004

Charles Harmon Director of University Relations, Joseph C. Agbasi Student Assistant

VSU College of Education hosts Career Day for Area High SchoolStudents on Tuesday, Oct. 26

A career day for 100 area high school students will be held at Valdosta State University from 9 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. on Tuesday, Oct. 26. Maggie Roberts, who works in the College of Education's Advising Center, and Sheree Hudson, assistant director at the College of Education, are coordinating the activities.

The purpose of the event is to influence the students to pursue their education after high school at a post-secondary school, hopefully VSU. High school juniors and seniors from Valdosta High School, Lee County, Bainbridge High, Pierce County High, Lanier County, and Berrien High will be visiting the university. Lowndes County High School students will be coming on Wednesday, Oct. 27, because they could not work Tuesday into their schedule.

The high school students selected two classes they wanted to attend from a list of courses provided by Roberts and Hudson. The students will be attending classes from COMM 1100 Human Communication to ECED 4400 Social Science Methods in ECE. Each student will leave the Education Center for his or her first class at 9:30 A.M. Each student's second class will begin at 10:45 P.M. Students will be attending classes all over campus, from the University Center to Main Campus. They will not be taking classes located on North Campus.

After the students finish their classes, they will meet in Room 255 in the Education Center for a pizza lunch at 12:15 P.M. At this point, the professors that allowed the students to sit in for their classes and the event organizers, will discuss future post-secondary opportunities with the students before they leave to return to their schools.
