2004 News Archive
- 'Best Practices' recognition within University System of Georgiaflows toward Valdosta State University and VSU Foundation, Inc.
- VSU Expands Programs at Two-Year Colleges
- Valdosta State wins the NCAA Division II National FootballChampionship
- VSU celebrated Fall Commencement Ceremonies on December 11, 2004
- Special red stoles presented to VSU's Faculty Marshals in advanceof Fall Semester's Commencement Ceremonies
- VSU Plans Fall Commencement Ceremonies
- Southern Economics Association presents VSU's Dr. L. Wayne Plumly,Jr. with prestigious award
- VSU schedules Education Career Day for November 23
- Secretary of State Cathy Cox presents Georgia Historical RecordsAdvisory Board Award for Excellence to Deborah Davis
- Secretary of State Cathy Cox presents Georgia Historical RecordsAdvisory Board Award for Excellence to David Williams, Teresa CrispWilliams and David Carlson
- VSU to host Holiday Celebration
- Zaccari announces International Education Week
- VSU Faculty Member receives over $1.1 million grant from U.S.Department of Education
- VSU sponsors Business Plan Competition
- Faculty member to present research to the Geological Society ofAmerica
- Division of Student Affairs recognizes VSU Advocates at AnnualKickoff Breakfast
- VSU College of Education hosts Career Day for Area High SchoolStudents on Tuesday, Oct. 26
- Dr. Michael Maina elected President-Elect of the GeorgiaAssociation for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
- Faculty Member Receives Fulbright Scholar Award
- Office of Career Services will host Fall Career Exposition
- VSU to host National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week
- The Harley Langdale, Jr. College of Business Administration willhost the first Langdale College Business Week
- Senator h. c. Helmut Aurenz, Founder and President of ASBGreenworld, will speak at The Harley Langdale, Jr. Lecture Series
- Georgia Statewide LeaderShape Institute provides good backgroundfor VSU students this fall
- Governor Sonny Perdue appoints VSU's Dr. George Gaumond to StateBoard of Registration for Librarians
- GIL Express gives USG library patrons access
- VSU Names 2004 Distinguished Alumnus and Gold Award Graduate of theLast Decade Recipients
- VSU Homecoming 2004: Torching the Tigers
- Jessie Tuggle, Retiree of the NFL, was the Featured Speaker at TheHarley Langdale, Jr. Lecture Series
- Jessie Tuggle, Retiree of the NFL, will speak at The HarleyLangdale, Jr. Lecture Series
- VSU Administrators Strive to Achieve Excellence in Diversity
- VSU hosts Harley Langdale, Jr. Room Dedication Ceremony
- Tropical Depression Jeanne Weather Advisory from the President'sOffice
- ROTC Cadets Pay Tribute to POW/MIA
- Georgia Board of Regents presents award to Dr. Michael Meacham
- VSU to host Harley Langdale, Jr. Room Dedication Ceremony
- Continental Airlines' Chief Executive Officer Designee Speaks atVSU's Harley Langdale Jr. Lecture Series
- Continental Airlines' Chief Executive Officer Designee to Speak atVSU's Harley Langdale Jr. Lecture Series
- VSU Interdisciplinary Presentation to Focus on the European Union
- Three Public Universities Recognized for Excellence in TeacherEducation
- State budget cuts again place VSU in the eye of the storm
- Tropical Weather Ivan Advisory from the President's Office
- Dr. John G. Youmans' estate leaves a legacy to VSU with funds forthe Crockett-Youmans Dance Scholarship
- Learning in Retirement Program Fall Term starting soon
- Tropical Weather Frances Advisory from the President's Office
- Education. Go Get It.
- Congressman Jack Kingston helps dedicate VSU Odum Library Addition
- VSU Hosted Mosquito Identification Course
- Langdale College Dean Elected to Beta Gamma Sigma Board
- Volunteer Valdosta under way
- American Anthropological Association to present national award toValdosta State University's Dr. Matthew Richard
- VSU's Alpha Gamma Delta and South Georgia Alumnae Chapters receivenational awards
- Fall convocation scheduled for August 9
- VSU Appoints Dr. Harding to New Positions
- VSU's Langdale College Student Receives Honor Society Scholarship
- VSU Plans Summer Commencement Ceremonies
- Valdosta State University College of Education receives $25,000gift from Georgia Power Foundation, Inc., in honor of VSU AlumnusDavid M. Ratcliffe
- VSU Installing New Emergency Phones
- "Centennial Hall" is focus of VSU's $35.6 million new studenthousing and renovation project
- Big VSU weekend of visitors planned as campus hosts its 25thAnniversary of Governor's Honors Program, a new FreshmanOrientation session, and PRAXIS, ACT Exams
- VSU Health Sciences & Business Administration Center makesBoard of Regents Major Capital Outlay Priorities List
- VSU Astronomers to View Transit of Venus
- VSU's SIFE Team Makes Final Four
- VSU's Master Plan accepted by Georgia Board of Regents
- Angela Willers Named VSU Division of Social Work Field Instructorof the Year
- VSU launches I Caught You Caring
- Gary Chapman Named VSU Division of Social Work Outstanding Alumnusof the Year
- Third Annual Multicultural Sankofa Awards Presented
- Valdosta State University will host South Georgia Writing Project
- VSU's Jekyll Island Musical Theatre Festival ready to run from Mayto July
- Southern Company President David M. Ratcliffe receives ValdostaState University's Distinguished Alumnus Award
- VSU's Society for Human Resource Management Student Chapter winsits first Merit Award
- VSU plans spring commencement ceremonies
- VSU's 'Best Practices' Strategic Planning and Budgeting entry makesSACUBO's Final Four in San Antonio
- "Igniting Blazer Spirit" celebration to light new Blazin'Smokestack on April 28
- VSU Cheerleaders Bring Home 2nd Place Trophy at NCA Nationals
- State Senator Tim Golden Receives Award
- VSU Education Career Day to take place April 29
- 2004 Earth Day Event at VSU set for April 22
- VSU Accessibility Expo set for April 22nd
- VSU's 2003-2004 State Charitable Contributions Program campaignconcludes with success
- VSU's Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society to hold springinduction ceremony April 17
- VSU's Annual Council on Undergraduate Research Symposium set forApril 15th and 16th
- VSU 2004 Honors Day Ceremony set for April 14
- Janice Daugharty Festival set for April 29, 2004
- Hospital recruiters to converge at VSU April 16 for College ofNursing's Spring Semester "Scholarship Day"
- VSU Student Trombone Player Wins National Award
- Blazin' Smokestack Gives VSU Higher Profile
- VSU's 28th Annual International Dinner set for Saturday, April 17
- VSU 'Spring Fling' is a sign of Spring Break
- VSU Debate Club's Individual Events Team participates in theirfirst National Individual Events Championship action
- VSU Mass Media Students, Society of Collegiate Journalists WinNational Awards
- Valdosta State University Hosts Ambassador Sylvia G. Stanfield,U.S. Department of State Diplomat-in-Residence
- VSU's Eighth Annual African American Studies Lecture SeriesConcludes March 18
- Valdosta State University's Dr. Kurt Keppler electedPresident-elect of the National Association of Student PersonnelAdministrators (NASPA)
- Dr. Jo Ann Bass honored as Georgia's Reading Teacher of the YearUniversity/College Level
- Valdosta State University's Spring Career Expo to take place onTuesday, March 16
- Valdosta State University international students to participate inthirteenth annual City of Valdosta International Fair
- 2004 Spring Focus Lecture and Film Series to continue with Aprilevents
- Valdosta State University To Host 2004 Teaching/Learning Conference
- South African contemporary art is focus of upcoming VSU Lecture
- VSU's Harley Langdale, Jr. Lecture Series concludes for springsemester February 24th with Hiluard Kitchen as guest speaker
- Valdosta State University Celebrates Black History Month
- VSU Langdale Lecture Series continues with James McGahee
- VSU's Eighth Annual African American Studies Lecture Series BeginsFebruary 5
- Zaccari speaking at Langdale Lecture
- VSU Visitation Day Set for Saturday, February 7
- European Union Overview to be presented at VSU Harley Langdale, JR.College of Business Administration
- Africa: Achievements and Challenges in the 21st Century
- Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, Monday, January 19
- Valdosta State students chosen for Who's Who
- Valdosta State University Presents the Valdosta National, 2004January 20-February 6 - VSU Fine Arts Gallery
- VSU Basketball Teams Host Important Conference Matchups SaturdayAfternoon and Monday Night; Local Accelerated Readers To Be HonoredSaturday
- Chief Annetta W. Nunn, Birmingham, Alabama Police Chief, to speakat VSU's Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Ceremony
December 2004
November 2004
October 2004
September 2004
August 2004
July 2004
June 2004
May 2004
April 2004
March 2004
February 2004
January 2004
- Office of Communications Powell Hall West, Suite 1120
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - General VSU Information
- Phone: 229.333.5800
- Office of Communications
- Phone: 229.333.2163
- Phone: 229.333.5983